Graphic Designer/Creative


Product Design
Package Design
Miti-Vape is a product prototype of the future that addresses and offers a solution for the atomic habit of vaping. With every inhale/hit of the Miti-Vape it will show the user the amount of days the act of vaping is taking off their life. The user is still receiving the nicotine and other chemicals found within most vapes, although the countdown is meant to act as a scare tactic, reducing the amount the user is likely to use and eventually convincing the user to quit the habit. 

*Miti is an abbreviation for the word mitigate, to make it less severe, serious, or painful.



© clarisac

Clarisa Caldwell

A designer currently residing in Kansas City, MO. She recently received a BFA in Graphic Design and a minor in Art History from the University of Arkansas. Interested in human-centered design, branding, illustration, typography, social media strategy, web design, CSS/HTML, and expanding her knowledge in a professional space.